Sam Turns Two

Today was Sam's second birthday.  I have to confess that between Christmas and Hawaii it kind of sneaked up on me. We have planned to do a family party in next few weeks when everyone was available - but we wanted to do a little something to celebrate his actual birthday.  Since Sam is not picky, and since I was planning this dinner in between and all day trial and a 6:00 election committee meeting, we decided to do dinner and cupcakes at Chic-Fil-A.

The day started like most other days - Finn was up with the sun and I had to force Sam out of the bed.  I always have to go in his room and wake him up.  He is going to be a beast in the mornings when he is a teenager.

When we arrived at school all of the children were waiting in the playroom and screamed "Happy Birthday" as Sam walked in.  I think it kind of scared him a little because he fell back against the wall and then turned around to walk back to the door.  I grabbed him and handed him off to his teacher.  Then I gave her the brownies for Sam's birthday treat.

When I picked him up later that afternoon Finn and Sam were both outside playing on the slide.  Sam was happy to see me and ran to me as fast as he could, covered in chocolate I might add.  Finn, on the other hand, put both hands on his hips and demanded to know why I picked them up so early.

Next we met Gran and Daddy at the Chic-Fil-A in Gallatin.  I brought one of Sam's birthday presents and couple of cupcakes for the boys.

Such a great picture!

Right as we walked in the door one of Finn's friends from school spotted him.  After that, Finn and Sam did not have any interest in eating, but instead wanted to play with Lyla in the play area.  After a few minutes of trying to force Sam to eat and sit still we decided to let him go play.  He was so excited!  We told Finn to watch him (famous last words, right) and let them go to the play area unaccompanied.  We could hear Sam squealing with glee through the closed door.  Every so often Michael went in to check on them.  Two (2) kids did get hurt - but they weren't mine.  In spite of our poor parenting, Finn and Sam emerged unscathed.

After we (the adults) finished our meals the boys came back in for cupcakes. Sam very perplexed by the candles. He made no attempt whatsoever to aid Gran in the blowing out of the candles.

Next Sam opened his present - it was a dagger that makes sheathing and clanking noises when you whack something.

He liked it. He really liked it - as Gran quickly learned.

Happy Birthday Sam - we love you so much. 


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