Baby Mozart

Well, today was my first day back at work. I did really well. I didn't cry at all. I didn't even feel like crying - YAY!

I woke up at 5:30 today and after I was mostly ready for work I woke Finn up. From 6:00 t0 7:00 I fed and held Finn. I have a feeling that morning is going to be my favorite time of the day.

I got home at approximately 5:00 and immediately prepared dinner. After the preparations were made I sat with Finn while Michael made sure that nothing stuck, boiled over or burned. Then Michael cleaned up the kitchen. After dinner and a bath, Finn sat in his jumping gym and watched Baby Mozart. I sat next to him and watched his reaction to the program. He showed some interest, but didn't seem all that impressed. Kodiak on the other hand was mesmerized! Next, I fed Finn, rocked him to sleep and put him in his crib.

After putting Finn to bed I began to feel a little sad. I feel like I barely saw him tonight. I use to see Finn 18 hours a day - now I spend 5 hours with him (on weeknights) total. YUCK. I have also realized that I am not going to have as much to blog about - that kind of irritates me too. It is a good thing I have such a naturally cheery disposition - otherwise I might be inclined to be in a bad mood.


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