Big Red (Friday, January 15, 2010)

Big Red

Looking awfully suspicious

Finn is starting to rub his eyes when he is tired. It is my new favorite thing.

Finn has the reddest cheeks I have ever seen. I didn't start noticing them until I started looking at some of his recent pictures - they look even redder in pictures than they do in real life. Finn's cheeks crack me up. They are so full and tight. In fact, you can hardly pinch them they are so tight! I joke that his cheeks feel like sausage in a casing. Unfortunately his little cheeks are also always chapped. I put aquaphor on them all the time, but it doesn't seem to help. I guess when you have spit all over your face all day a little chapping is inevitable.

I wasn't able to blog last night because we weren't home very much. We met our bible study friends at John and Victoria's house for dinner and fellowship. While we were there Finn played in the floor with J.T. and he also played with Michael for a while. Finn was so good last night. He sat quietly in his car seat for several minutes. Usually he is crying to get out of his car seat the minute we get him out of the car. He didn't need to eat while we were there and he didn't cry or fuss. He was the model child.

By the time we got home Finn was pretty tired. However, he still was able to watch a little bit of the movie "Up." "Up" is the cutest movie - I absolutely love it. It is so sweet and very heartbreaking. I teared up at several points during the movie. All I have to say is wives love your husbands, husbands love your wives and parents love your children.

Today, (Friday) when we picked Finn up from John and Victoria's house the first thing I noticed was Finn was wearing an outfit that I didn't recognize. Much to my dismay and I am sure Victoria's as well, Finn had already "soiled" two of his own outfits and was working on "soiling" one of JT's as well. I don't know what I am going to do with this baby. I may just have to wrap him in plastic all day.

Friday was a really peaceful night at home. We ate taco soup and Finn played until time for bed. He is able to entertain himself for longer periods at a time. Pretty soon he isn't going to need me to entertain him at all.


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