The Beauty Parlor

Today Finn and I went to visit Nana. Nana was so excited to see Finn - that is until she picked him up out of the car seat. I know I blog about Finn's digestive health quite often, but this BM took the cake. When we got his clothes off of him, it was up his back, on his stomach, on his shoulder and his is hair. I couldn't believe it. I felt so sorry him. We immediately gave him a bath and washed his outfit. I am hoping that solid food will take care of this "problem."

After Finn was all clean we went to Sirs to pick out fabric for my bedroom curtains. I found the best fabric. Finn went with us and slept in his stroller almost the entire time. When he woke up Nana took him into the bathroom to change him. On the way home Mom and I stopped at Arby's for some take-out. Finn was pretty fussy for the first few minutes, but finally drifted off to sleep.

When we got back from Sirs Nana gave Finn his second haircut. His hair grows so fast! He looks so much neater with shorter hair. After that we looked at my baby pictures and compared them to Finn. Finn looks more like me than I thought.
Finn was in the car today for a total of six hours, meaning that he slept for almost six hours today. I felt certain that he wouldn't sleep very well tonight, but surprisingly, he slept all night.


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