My Last Day Home

Today is my last day at home with Finn. I can't believe it is over. It seems like last week that I was cleaning up my office preparing for my time at home. I have dreaded this day for months. I thought that I would be a basket case but instead I have felt much joy and peace. Don't misunderstand, leaving Finn is very difficult and I am heartbroken over the time I will lose with him, but God has granted me mercy. He has allowed me to spend this last week doing fun things with Michael and Finn instead of feeling depressed and on top of that He has made it possible for me to feel excited about about returning to work.
These last few months have been the the best of my whole life. I know that Finn will never remember them, but we have had a lot of fun and one day I can show Finn this blog and fill him in how we spent his first few months . I am so thankful to my office, my sweet husband and my ever faithful Heavenly Father for allowing me this precious time with my Finn. I always knew that I would have children, but I never knew that I wanted to be a Mom until I met Finn.
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