The Lady Bug (Monday, January 25, 2010

Well, it has started . . . I can hardly wait for the teenage years. At least for now he can only look mad at me.
Tonight before Finn went to bed we all went up to his room to play with some of his toys. He really seemed to like the rolling duck, but the lady bug was another story. I sat it in front of him and pressed it - the second the balls started moving he genuinely looked scared and then started crying. I thought that he was just getting sleepy so I tried it again . . . same result. I put the lady bug back on his night stand and gave him another toy. While he was preoccupied with the new toy I pressed the lady bug. Big mistake - I think I really hurt his feelings.
After a few minutes I put it in front of him again except this time I just let him look at it. He liked it much better when it didn't make noise. I was bound and determined that Finn would play with this toy. His Great Aunt Laura gave him that lady bug and by-golly, he is going to play with it!!!


  1. Erin, I love reading your blog, and I am usually grinning from ear to ear as I read and look at the pictures. However today I was laughing so hard it hurt! Please don't make Finn play with the lady bug, I promise I won't get my feelings hurt!!!
    I love you all, Laura
    P.S. The bath time picture is a classic!


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