Farmer Finn

Finn has figured it out. He knows that something is different. He used to sleep through the night but for the past two nights he has woken up at 2:00ish. I guess that'll teach me to go back to work. Gosh!
Now that I am back to work Michael and I have agreed to both get up with Finn in the night. I go to get him, change him and then put him bed with us to feed him. After I am finished feeding him Michael makes sure that he goes back to sleep and puts him back in his crib. This particular morning Finn was up at 1:45 and then again at 5:00. I was able to spend two whole hours with Finn before going into work this morning.

Tonight Finn watched Baby MacDonald - A musical introduction to the farm. He loved it! He couldn't take his eyes off of it. The two of us sat in the floor together and watched the entire video. I was surprised that he was able to focus for such a long time. Afterwards Finn, Michael and I had a hoedown in the kitchen (the menu for the dvd had some really good music). Tonight Finn thought my dancing was hilarious; however, if he were to see me doing the same dance 13 years from now he would not claim me.


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