Finn's hands

Finn wore jeans for the first time today.

Bouncing: AKA the only thing that distracts Finn from eating

Super sleepy

Finn is quickly learning how to use his hands. He is constantly moving them. He touches everything he sees. When I am feeding him he sticks his fingers in my eyes, my nose, and my mouth. He gets a big kick out of shoving his fingers in my mouth. When I remove them he will start swinging his arms back and forth - which kind of hurts when those little arms hit your face. When I put him in his gym he reaches to play with his toys and he also reaches and tugs on my shirt and hair. He is developing so fast.

Today was a terrible day at work - I cried all the way home. I was so happy to see and hold Finn. Finn was at John and Victoria's today and I thought I had pulled myself together before walking in the door. But, alas I was wrong - the minute I held him I started to cry. When we got home the three of us played and then we read Gossie and Gertie. Finn looked at the pictures for a little bit when we first started, but after a few pages he stopped looking at the book and only looked at me. Finn was pretty tired to tonight and he was sleeping hard by 8:00. I held him until 8:45 and then I put him to bed. I am exhausted so I am about to go to bed too.


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