
Finn has figured out how to jump in his gym. He has always bounced around in it, but I think the bouncing was byproduct of his lousy balance. Well now he is purposefully jumping.

I had church tonight so Finn stayed home with Michael. When I got back from church I found Finn sound asleep on Michael. I rocked him for another hour and then we put him to bed. I decided not swaddle him becuase he has been busting out. This did not work well. Finn was awake within five (5) minutes. So Michael swaddled him and we all laid in the floor in his room and waited for Finn to fall asleep. I bet it wasn't two (2) minutes before Finn was out like a light. I have no idea how we are going to break him of the swaddler. I imagine that we will wait for a weekend to start.


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