My First Weekend as a Working Mom

Check out those bazoobs!

This is my first weekend at home with Finn since becoming a working mom. I have looked forward to this weekend since last Sunday night. It was so nice to get to spend two whole days with the Finnster. I think that he has missed us because he has been acting kind of strange. He has been waking up every two to three hours in the night. He doesn't really seem all that hungry - he just wants to hang out. I have two theories. One, he is cutting teeth and his is uncomfortable. Two, he is confused as to why his Mama is not home everyday and is feeling a little insecure. Either way I feel so sorry for him.

On Saturday Finn and I prepared for our "small group" belated Christmas party. I went to the store to stock up on the cooking supplies while Michael and Finn took Uncle James to work. After lunch I put Finn in his bouncy seat the two of us cooked until naptime. I think that I took a longer nap than Finn. After naptime we started cooking again. However, this time Finn was not content to sit in his bouncy seat. So, I had Finn in my left hand while cooking with my right and singing hymns to keep him happy.

On Sunday we had we had the luncheon at our house. Right as the party was starting I took Finn upstairs to his room, swaddled him, put on his lullaby CD and rocked him to sleep. After he fell asleep I put him in his crib and he napped for about 45 minutes. This is a big accomplishment for Finn he doesn't like for me to put him in his crib during the day. I have tried several times to let him nap in his room and he is always awake by the time I get downstairs. But today, slept soundly in his room. After everyone left Finn and I played in the floor - that is until Finn became interested in watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (a boy after his mother's own heart). Since he was sitting so calm and sweet I decided to move him to the glider. I let him sit in my lap and facing the TV and I have rubbed his little legs. We sat and rocked and rubbed for about an hour until it was time for his bedtime snack.


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