The Big Bed

This morning Finn woke up at 4:00. As per my new routine, I put him in the bed with us to feed him. I decided that since it was so close to 5:00 that I would just leave Finn in the bed with us until it was time to get up. I LOVE having him the bed with us! We were given specific instructions that babies are to sleep in their own rooms, but I thought that 45 minutes with me wouldn't hurt.

I got up when the alarm went off at 5:00 and left Finn in the bed with Michael. After Finn woke up I got him ready to go to the Apedaile's house. Victoria keeps Finn on Wednesday and Fridays. After we were all clean and dressed we put him in the car and we headed out for the day. It was fun packing Finn the car and leaving with him this morning.
After work we picked Finn up. I sat in the back seat with him on the way home. He laughed at me while I was tickling his checks. I think that he likes having someone sitting in the back with him. I only had a few minutes to play with him because he went from laughing to snoring within 30 seconds.
Wednesday are always busy days at the Begley home because we get home from work at 5:00 and then we head out for church at 6:00. I love going to church on Wednesday nights, but I feel bad for Finn. I am gone all day to work and then I leave him in the nursery at night. But I do feel some grim satisfaction knowing that he missed me today. I know that he missed me because he grabbed me when we got home from church. I laid him down on the boppy to feed and he literally grabbed by nursing bra and pulled himself toward me all the while shaking his head with his mouth wide open. Even after he started eating he still had a death grip on my shirt. He wasn't about to let me get away.


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