Well, Finn had another lovely day in the nursery. He didn't even make through Sunday School before they called me to come feed him. Right after Sunday school was over we rushed over to the nursery. When we got there we found Finn sound asleep. One of the nursery workers carried him next door, being very careful not to wake him up. It looked like he was carrying a very sensitive bomb - you know the kind that if you touched it just right - KABOOM! That's my boy - the ticking time bomb! They told us to go on to service and they would page us if he woke up. During the entire service my eyes were on the screen - I didn't want to miss the page. Luckily, one never came. After service we went to pick Finn up. As we turned the corner on to the hall where his room is we saw Finn out in the hallway. They told us that Finn was much happier being held outside in the hallway (who knows). It looks like we have one of "those" kids - the one people wish would stay home with a mild cold on Sunday mornings.
After church we went home for a few hours. The minute we got Finn home went to sleep. He gets so tired during the day, but almost refuses to take a nap. If he would nap regularly I bet he would be much easier to take care of. While Finn was sleeping Michael went to Wal-Mart to pick up the treadmill we got for Christmas.

Afterward we went to John and Victoria's to watch the Colt's game. While there, Finn got his hands on a very interesting ball. This ball entertained Finn for a while. We also read a few books that belonged to J.T. and Sarah. I read Finn "The Giving Tree" and cried most of the way through it. I was so embarrassed. I was sitting in a room with eight other people crying my eyes out while reading to Finn. Lindsey got a pretty good kick out that. She also had a great time heckling Michael about rooting for the Jets.

We also discovered that Finn not only looks like Michael but may have inherited his taste for Diet Vanilla Coke. (Truth be told, he may have inherited that from both of us). Every time Michael would get his cup anywhere near Finn, Finn would lean towards it with his mouth wide open.

You may have noticed that Finn is wearing a "My Daddy is my Hero" outfit. Finn was given this outfit from Becky Fisher at one of the baby showers. However, the outfit that Becky gave him was a size "three months." Finn grew out of the original outfit a while ago. I was so sad to see this one go. It was one of my favorites. Luckily, MiMi gave him another one for Christmas. This one fits much better. Actually it is a "nine month" outfit. I can't believe that my barely "four month" old baby is wearing such large clothes. Just for fun I pulled out the smaller outfit and held it up next to Finn. In order to compare the two I put the original outfit on Finn's bear. It's hard to believe that Finn was ever that small.
I would love to be a fly on the wall during Finn's nursery time!!
ReplyDeleteJoey loves The Giving Tree book too. He has a picture from the book tattooed on his arm. I don't know that I would recommend going that far though. It's a great book. My kids love it.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Finn will get used to the nursery soon. Just keep putting him in. All kids have an adjustment time even when they're little. It's a new place with new people and Momma and Daddy leave you there. It'll get better.