New Years Day

Today is 2010. Finn rang in the new year at 3:00 a.m. with a bang - or maybe I should just say with gas. Michael could hear Finn passing gas over the baby monitor - yes it was that loud. Shortly thereafter Finn woke up mad as a hornet. I fed him and he slept until around 7:00.

Early this morning Finn and I went to Wal-Mart to get some dried black-eyed peas for New Years dinner. It was a really fun trip - we got there before the crowds hit and we had most the store all to ourselves. Finn was in a great mood. He sat in his car seat and chewed on Mini-Trash. Mini-Trash has quickly become Finn's best friend. I feel confident that his new found affection to Mini-Trash is exclusively linked to the fact that Finn can chew on Mini-Trash's ears. Nonetheless, I am pleased that Finn has found such a good friend.

When we got home I started preparing for lunch. I put Finn on the counter in his carseat so that he could watch. Once lunch was cooking I put Finn down for a nap and I took one myself. After the nap we had lunch - black-eyed peas with ham and rigatoni and cheese.

All was going really well today until around 6:00. It was about this time that I was playing with Finn on the rug in the den. I was helping Finn sit up. He was doing a really good job - he was sitting perfectly. Unfortunately, right about the time I turned my head to say something to Michael, Finn straightened his legs and fell backwards. Basically, he banged the back of his head into the floor really hard. The noise was awful. He cried so hard that he couldn't even make a sound. It took him at least 10 seconds before he let out a wail. I feel horrible. I have spent most of the night crying and/or worrying. After about 5 minutes Finn was completely back to normal. He was laughing, talking, standing and eating. Just to be sure, we called the pediatrician and she told us that more than likely he was just fine, but to watch him for any unusual behavior. We put him to bed around 9:30 and he was he still doing fine. I haven't put him in his crib yet. I woke him up once to make sure he was okay - he was. It is now 11:00 and he just woke up to eat. I am going to feed him now.
Finn has been fed, rocked and is sleeping soundly in his swing. I plan to keep him there all night and sleep next to him on the couch. I feel certain that he is okay. I don't think that he has a concussion (I kept him awake for three hours after the fact out of precaution), I don't think that his skull is cracked and I he doesn't have a pump knot. He hasn't vomited, and has not cried since the incident. Nevertheless, want to be right next to him should he wake up. The pediatrician said that he was probably more startled than hurt, so I want to make sure that he is comforted immediately upon waking up.

After putting Finn to bed Michael and I prayed together. We prayed that Finn was not hurt, we prayed that we would not worry and we prayed for sharp sensibilities and sensitivities to his behavior. I know that children bump their heads and I know that this is not the last head bumping for the Finnster. I may sound silly to those more experienced parents out, but this was our first scare with Finn and I really look forward to tomorrow morning - just so that I know he is alright.


  1. you're so funny. It does sound absolutely awful, Cooper has done that numerous times and each time he held his breathe for so long before he could even cry. Wait until he is trying to crawl and just face plants into the floor!! I'm so glad that Finn loves trash!!


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