The Snow Storm (January 7, 2009)

Today was the big snow of 2010. NOT. We have been hearing about this huge snow storm coming for days. In fact, the reports were so bad all of the schools in middle Tennesse closed the night before. So, the minute I opened my eyes I looked out the window expecting to see a blanket of snow on the ground. Instead I saw . . . nothing - no snow - nothing. So, I decided to get up and start my day. Luckily, my boss told us we could wear jeans today.

A few minutes later Finn woke up so I went in his room to get him. When I peeked in over the crib I was surprised to see that he wasn't where I left him the night before. He was turned completely sideways. The odd part was that he was stilled swaddled. I must have a little Harry Potter (magician) on my hands because we swaddle Finn so tight that he can't move a muscle. I have no idea how he accomplished this impossible feat. But we are talking about the same baby that can create sonic booms in his diaper. He could power a small city with all that force.


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