5 months old (February 17, 2010)

Pre- nose dive

Today Finn turned five (5) months old. It is so exciting to see Finn do new things, but I wish that time would just slow way down.

Turning 5 months old has not been great for Finn - in fact it has been quite traumatic to say the least. First, he had to go to a Celebrate Recovery training session with his mom. He behaved for as long as he could but I did end up taking him to the nursery. When I went to pick him up I heard a terrible cry all the way down the hall. I was hoping that it wasn't Finn. When I got to his room the nursery workers told me that they didn't have him and that he must be next door. I panicked for about a millisecond until I noticed that the screaming baby left unattended in the swing in the back of the room was Finn. I felt so sorry for him, but I have never been so happy to hear him cry.

Second, Kodiak ate his bath sponge. There were little blue pieces of sponge everywhere. Third, Finn hasn't had a bowel movement in two days - so I imagine he is feeling a little uncomfortable. And finally, during his bath, Finn took a nose dive into the bath water and apparently swallowed a huge mouthful of warm, soapy water. It absolutely scared him to death. He got choked and it looked like he couldn't breathe. I got him up and patted his back until he finally started crying. I figured if he has enough air to cry then he will be fine. Happy Birthday Finnster.


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