Breakin' Me Down

Finn most assuredly has his mother's physique.

Enjoying time with Coop . . .

Getting a little nervous . . .

Oops, we lost him. Coop, I'm sorry your cousin is a "stick in the mud."

Watching home videos with Nana. Finn was so attentive.

Last night was awful! Finn woke up at 2:00 and did not fall back to sleep until 4:00. I tried everything to comfort him. I tried my best not to feed him, but Finn proved to be more resilient that his exhausted mom and I ended up feeding him for a couple of minutes. I feel quiet certain that I will pay for that tonight. Before feeding Finn, I tried to give him a little bit of water from a medicine syringe. I thought that it was going really well. Finn appeared to be taking it and the water seemed to calm him down. In reality, the water was dribbling out of his mouth and soaking his sheet. I ended up having to take Finn out of the bed, changing his sleeper and putting him on the other side of his crib. It was a really long night.

The morning proved to be much better. Nana, MJ, and Coop came to visit us and we ate at the Chocolate Covered Strawberry. When we got back to the house Cooper played in Finn's jumping gym. Coop and Finn also spent some time playing in my bedroom floor. It was a mad house. While poor Mom was trying to iron and hang curtains, Kodiak was chewing on the iron chord, Coop was laughing and trying to play with Finn and Finn was freaking out. Cooper was so sweet to Finn. He would sit almost nose to nose with Finn and smile. Finn was not so sweet - he would look back at Coop and cry. MJ summed it up well in her blog, "Cooper would get directly in Finn face and just yell (which the way that Cooper talks to people) and Finn would pucker up and cry every time." They are so funny together.


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