Hard Days Night

Well, it has been a rough couple of days around the Begley abode. As I mentioned a few days ago, we are teaching Finn how to sleep. It has not gone well, but we are making some progress. Sunday night Finn went to sleep fairly quickly, however, he woke up at 3:oo in the morning fit to be tied. We soothed him for no less than an hour to no avail. Michael ended up scaring him to death too. One of the ways we soothe Finn is to "shushhhhh" him. Basically, it is just a lot of white noise. Well, at about 4:oo in the morning Michael may have shushed Finn a little too loud and it scared him thus causing him to cry thus causing us to be up even longer. Even though I was so irritated, it I felt so bad for Finn. His little face was so pitiful. He finally fell asleep around 4:15. My alarm went off at 5:00. We, meaning Michael and I, weren't worth a squat the next morning. Finn, of course, woke up happy as a lark. What a way to start a Monday.

Thankfully, It is gradually getting better. Tuesday night Michael was in Knoxville so it was the two of us. I decided that tonight would be night we stopped swaddling Finn. I put him to bed and he cried for only 20 minutes. In order to soothe him I ended up leaning down into his crib and hugging him. He put his hands on my face and drifted off to sleep. At around 12:00 I heard him "cooing" over the baby monitor. I braced myself for another long night, but much to my surprise Finn immediately went back to sleep. I checked on him the next morning at 5:oo and he was grinning from ear to ear playing with his blankets. It was a great night - I wish Michael could have seen it. I really think that unswaddling him helped. Now he can do what he loves best - chew on his fists.

Tonight was wonderful! We put him in his crib, unswaddled, and put some of his toys in the bed with him. The minute his head hit the mattress he started fussing, but calmed down immediately when Michael showed him his glow worm. Personally, I think those things are creepy, but Finn seems to love it. When we left the room he continued to fuss for a few more minutes. However, he never really cried - I would characterize it as a whimper. I didn't even have to to soothe him one time before he fell asleep. When I went up to check on him I noticed that he had picked up his rattle and was holding it close to his face. Against, my better judgment I took a picture. It was literally a shot in the dark because I couldn't see a thing. The flash was so bright - it was really stupid of me to purposefully do something that had the potential of waking the beast, but I had to take my chances. I'm glad I did. Finn didn't wake up and I got my shot.


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