Its a bird, its a plane, its . . .
. . . just the Finnster. Finn loves playing airplane. It doesn't matter how lousy of a mood he is in, when he gets up on my feet he transforms into the happiest baby in I know. When he is up there he laughs and squeals and smiles and drools and spits up and pukes. Its great! Tonight Finn dropped a huge wad of "spit up" all over me.
Tonight Finn took a bath with his new bath sponge, his new bath toys, and . . .
The bath sponge has really worked for Finn because it keeps him from sliding in the tub and allows him to sit up. Finn really likes being in the bath. He is becoming quite proficient at splashing. He will straiten his little arms out and bang those little fists into the water as hard as he possibly can.
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