
Last night Michael was in Knoxville for a hearing. At some point in the evening Michael called. I thought it might be interesting to see if Finn could recognize Michael's voice over the phone. I put the phone up to his ear and you could instantly tell when Finn heard Michael talk to him. His eyes got really big and he started shaking his arms.

On Monday night Finn and Michael had some tummy time. Meaning, Finn laid on Michael's tummy and played. Michael had a great time with him.

Tonight Finn finally swallowed some of his oatmeal. We have been working with him for 5 days now and he hasn't wanted to actually eat the oats. For the past few days Finn has been very interested in what Michael and I eat. I wonder if watching us is starting to pay off. Every time I feed Finn I demonstrate how to eat from a spoon. Unfortunately that means that I have to eat baby oatmeal which isn't very appetizing. I think that Finn is starting to get the hang of it. When I put the spoon to his mouth, he would open up and let me dump the oatmeal in his mouth. He is still making his "gross" face, but tonight he swallowed after making his "gross" face (which makes no sense to me, but I'll take it where I can get it). He ate at least 10 bites before letting me know that he would prefer some milk.


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