Hi, I'm Erin, a believer in Jesus and . . .

. . . I am in recovery for an eating disorder. Well folks, there it is. I will spare the details, but in a nutshell I have struggled with an eating disorder for the past 9 years. Most people know that for the last year I have been involved in a Christ centered 12 step recovery program at my church called "Celebrate Recovery". Tonight was my graduation from the program. To commemorate the graduation, Penny and Sharon, my wonderful leaders presented each girl in my class a recovery chip. The chip states, "Your Grace is Enough." Nothing could be more true. It is only by the grace of God that I have found healing. It was a long road, and it was certainly not easy, but God has made the impossible possible. I can't even count the number of time that I tried and subsequently failed on my own. But God is a good God and he led me to a group of wonderful women. Women that love him and believe in his healing power. Women that were encouraging week after week. Women that pray and ask for prayer. Women that needed me every bit as much as I needed them. Women that love "Panera Bread". I was so proud to stand up with them tonight and accept my chip.

Michael and Finn came to the graduation too. It was great having Michael there for support. It was also great knowing that Finn was across the way in the nursery, probably screaming his lungs out. Finn was such a big part of my recovery. He was with me everyday during this process and even if he couldn't stay for the service, I wanted him close by.

I realize that this post is a bit more serious than my other posts and I apologize for the heavy material, but I can't stay quiet. For those of you that struggle with anything, please know that God is truly all powerful, ever loving and awesome in every way. It is amazing to see the recovery at Long Hollow Baptist alone. He has defeated drug and alcohol addiction, self abuse, depression, co-dependency, suicide attempts, fear, anger and eating disorders. His grace is enough. If you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then get to know him. If you don't know how, give me call. I have a story to tell!

Before the service started our graduating class ate dinner. As you can see Finn join us for dinner. Look how much fun he had.

This could be why Finn doesn't like for me to put his toboggan on.


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