Today Finn came to visit his Mama at work. At about 3:30 Michael dropped Finn off at the office. Everyone couldn't believe how fat he is. After work we went to Dad's house to spend the night. While I was unloading everything Finn got hungry so I thought I would try my luck with a bottle. Finn, of course, doesn't really take a bottle, except for a very few exceptions - but I was hoping that maybe he would take one from Dad. Much to my delight he did and as a bonus he held the bottle by himself. WOW! This didn't last long - by the next morning he remembered that he really didn't like bottles and once again pitched a hissy fit when I tried to offer him one.
This morning Finn woke everyone up at 5:30. I tried my best to go back to sleep, but I was up by 6:30. I do look forward to getting my weekends back. At breakfast Finn's Grandad rubbed some maple syrup into his gums. It was so sweet - it made Finn shiver and shake.
After breakfast Finn spent the morning with Grandad while Gina and I did some shopping. Finn bounced in that jumper most of the morning! When I got home I livened the jumper up by picking the front end up so that Finn was suspended in mid air and would shake it - I call this "roller coaster." I half expected him to cry since everything scares him now, but he thinks "roller coaster" is fun. He is all set for Disney World in 13 years.
After leaving Grandad's we went to visit Nana and Papa. After a quick, but fun visit, we hit the road to head home. Once we got home we were welcomed by a surprise Valentine dinner. The house was totally clean and everything was wonderful.
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