The Snot Factory

Well its official, the Finnster is sick. He has enough snot running out of his head to start his own "gak" factory. The worst part is he doesn't mind having snot all over his face. He cries real tears every time I wipe his nose or use the suction bulb. It drives me nuts to have snot dripping, so I assume it has to drive Finn nuts too. Nope. Just check out all of that snot.
Finn and I didn't go to church today because he was feeling so poorly. So what did we do all day long? Well folks, you're lookin' at it. We either sat or played or napped on the couch all day long. Finn and I woke up around 7:00 and then fell back to sleep around 8:00 and slept until 11:30. Then we took another three hour nap.
Snot and spit - YUMMY!
Either Finn has discovered his hands or he is boycotting the blog. I can't say I blame him. I too would boycott any blog that posted pictures of me with snot running down my face.

After taking two long naps, Finn was out again by 8:00. It is easy to tell when Finn is sick because he sleeps so much.


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