Green Beans

Finn had green beans for the first time tonight. To no one's surprise, he didn't like them. He made the worst/cutest face after taking his first bite. He immediately pushed the bite back out. For the second bite, I tricked him by saying, "bite?" When I give Finn oatmeal, I say "bite" and he opens up wide and leans into the spoon. Well, I put some green beans on the spoon and said "Finn, bite?" Just like always he opened up, leaned in and devoured the bite, spoon and all." He looked so stunned that he had mistakenly taken another bite of beans. He made an actual spitting noise and blew the beans out of his mouth with some pretty impressive force. I can't really blame him - that stuff smells awful. But on the bright side, the beans matched his shirt.

After the bean fiasco we gave Finn a bath. During this particular bath Finn discovered the water coming from the faucet. He tried so hard to wrap his hands around the stream of water.


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