Mr. Scrooge Hosts a Super Bowl Party

Today is Super Bowl Sunday. In anticipation of the big day Finn was rip, roarin' and ready to go by 6:30 a.m. The two of us got up and had breakfast and prepared for church. As expected, I had to leave service to go feed Finn. They were waiting for me at the entrance to the entire children's area. I took Finn into the lactation room and we laid down on the couch and watched the sermon. It really is the most comfortable way to attend church.

After church, we went to Walmart to buy food for the Super Bowl party. When we got home we gave Finn a big bowl of oatmeal. He ate the entire thing! A few minutes later MJ, Zac and Coop stopped by on their way a friends house. Just like yesterday Cooper tried his darnedest to talk to Finn and Finn cried.

Around 5:00, everyone starting arriving at our house to watch the Super Bowl. As expected, it was pretty noisy - Finn doesn't really like a lot of noise. Finn figured out that if he fussed enough, we would go upstairs (where it was quiet) to eat. I ended up having to feed that manipulative little baby every 45 minutes to an hour. Needless to say, Finn's first attempt at hosting a Super Bowl party was huge flop. He was moody, unfestive and completely anti-social. "Super bowl - Ba humbug!"
Finn did enjoy the latter part of the evening. He got to spend time with Pa, Macey T. and Brandon, a.k.a the "baby whisperer."

Macey T. and her "boyfinn"
These two have been betrothed since first meeting in the Baptist hospital nursery.

Look that enormous gourd.

Playing with Pa.


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