My Little Hypochondriac

Finn has learned to fake cough. He thinks it is so funny. Today while I was playing with Finn I would cough at him. He would think about it for a few seconds and then he would cough back at me. I was so impressed with him that I would clap and smile. Later in the day we showed Dad Finn's new found ability. Like me, Michael was pretty impressed until Finn started to incessantly cough. That boy coughed all night; in the car, at the viewing, on the way home from the viewing and while rocking him to sleep. He would look up at me and cough and smile. I couldn't help but laugh at him because he was so proud of himself. Now when he hear him cough, we pretty much just ignore it. This is problematic because one day he will actually be sick and we won't think anything of it.


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