Valentine's Day

I do believe that Finn is smarter than I give him credit for. He has figured out that he really doesn't have to stay in the nursery - or as it is known to Finn "the seventh circle of hell." Finn is supposed to stay in the nursery for two hours every Sunday. For the past few weeks we have been called to come and get him only once. However, today we were called twice - twice in two hours. - that is complete bologna! After Sunday School was over I went to get him and I fed him for twenty (20) minutes - which is more than enough hold him over for one measly hour. After putting him back in the nursery I was confident that I would be able to stay for the entire service. David Nasser was speaking and I was excited to hear his message. When the service was about 3/4 of the way over, our number popped up on the screen. Finn has learned that if he screams loud enough for a long enough period of time he will be rescued from the nursery. Nana was right - Finn is pretty smart.
As Valentine's Day goes, Finn had a very profitable one. Nana got him a pin striped baseball outfit and Gran got him a furry book and a Pepe LePue heart shaped helium balloon that talked. It would say things like "one little wif of you and the love goes straight to my head." It was so funny.
At a round 6:00 pm the power went off. It wasn't storming or icy so we assumed the power would be back on pretty quick. Two hours later we realized that we assumed wrong. I, being a bit of a worrier, started panicking about my milk stash in the freezer. I have expended a lot of blood, sweat and tears collecting that milk and I was not about to let one little power outage beat me. So we loaded the milk up in the car and headed to the Begley's to put the milk in the deep freeze. When we got there Finn took a bath and then ate an enormous bowl of oats. When he drifted off to sleep we put him in the crib. Michael and I made the decision to leave Finn at the Begley's since we didn't have any heat at home. It was my first night away from Finn. I missed him so much - but the longing of my heart was eased by the thoughts of sleeping until 9:00. Thank goodness for President's day (no work for state employees).
As Valentine's Day goes, Finn had a very profitable one. Nana got him a pin striped baseball outfit and Gran got him a furry book and a Pepe LePue heart shaped helium balloon that talked. It would say things like "one little wif of you and the love goes straight to my head." It was so funny.
At a round 6:00 pm the power went off. It wasn't storming or icy so we assumed the power would be back on pretty quick. Two hours later we realized that we assumed wrong. I, being a bit of a worrier, started panicking about my milk stash in the freezer. I have expended a lot of blood, sweat and tears collecting that milk and I was not about to let one little power outage beat me. So we loaded the milk up in the car and headed to the Begley's to put the milk in the deep freeze. When we got there Finn took a bath and then ate an enormous bowl of oats. When he drifted off to sleep we put him in the crib. Michael and I made the decision to leave Finn at the Begley's since we didn't have any heat at home. It was my first night away from Finn. I missed him so much - but the longing of my heart was eased by the thoughts of sleeping until 9:00. Thank goodness for President's day (no work for state employees).
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