
I can't see or feel any teeth under the gums, but I believe that Finn is teething. He didn't want to take his bottle today. He would slide the nipple to the side of his mouth and try to eat that way. He was also very fussy. While at bible study tonight I attempted to nurse him and the second he latched on he started crying hard. When we got home we started the bedtime routine. Finn was really happy all through his bath, so while he was in such a good mood I decided to put some orajel (or orasol gel, as we poor folks call it) on his gums. Boy did he hate that. I liked it - it made his breath smelly cinnamony. After the orajel fiasco we knew we were fighting an uphill battle. Finn didn't even want to nurse. We finally got him calmed down enough to eat for a few minutes before putting him directly to bed. On a positive note, Finn seemed to enjoy his teething ring. He was a little gun shy at first, but he latched on to it pretty quick.


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