Converting the stroller

Finn is now big enough it sit facing forward in his stroller. He was a little mad when I first put him in it, but he straightened right up after we started walking. I was excited at first, but quickly grew bored of the new stroller set up real quick because I can't look at Finn while we are walking - Darn.
After we got back Finn started showing some interest in Granny Martha's Mt. LeConte picture. It looks like Finn is going to need Mt. LeConte picture as well.
Last night was fairly typical, that is until we put Finn to bed. He uncharacteristically woke up at midnight and couldn't go back to sleep. After crying for 30 minutes I got him up and fed him. He wasn't interested in eating, but instead spent most of the time knawing on his fists. I do believe he is teething. At 4:00 we had the same situation. I couldn't get him to go back to sleep so the two of us got up for the day. He finally calmed down around 5:30 and we were up again at 6:00. Needless to say I am pretty tired.
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