Finn's favorite things

Finn couldn't care less about rain drops on roses, but boy does he love whiskers on kittens. Okay, I know, I know, that was SOOOO cheesy, but these are a few of Finn's favorite things!

Bath time!!! This boy loves to get clean. It doesn't matter how moody Finn is, when he gets in the water all of his troubles literally wash away and he becomes the happiest baby I have ever seen. Finn's favorite thing about taking a bath is his terry cloth bath turtle. He likes to suck the warm bath water out of it. Tonight I put him on his stomach in the tub. He ingested a little water, but for the most part did pretty good. Of course, the minute I put him on his stomach he turned over.

Finn also loves playing with his kitties Fannie Mae and Kodiak.

More specifically, he love torturing his kitties. Check out that grip.

Kodiak really is quite patient with Finn. Fannie, on the other hand, refuses to humor him.
Finally, Finn loves hanging with is Dad.

Today I was able to spend a lot of time with Finn. At 2:30 I learned that Finn was feeling cruddy. So, I left work and was home by 3:00. I love being my own boss!
When I got home I noticed that Finn was wearing a cotton overall outfit. Finn wore this same outfit last week; however, last week it fit him. Today, I could see at least two inches of his shins. Sheesh! At least he is stretching out all those cute jelly rolls around his middle :)


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