Just to remember

Finn is really growing up. Just in the last week he is doing so many neat things. First, he rolls over very easily. Everytime we put him down on his belly, he immediately rolls over. No more digging his nose into the ground or crying. Michael and I are convinced that Finn only learned to roll over because he hates tummy time so much.

He is also reaching for everything he sees. When we are at resturaunts, Finn will reach for my plate. Often times he is successful at grabbing something. He reaches for all of his toys now too. It is so funny to see Finn get excited over a toy. He starts breathing very loud and fast. Then his little arms shoot out and he lunges for whatever it is he wants to play with.

I can also carry Finn on my hip now. When he is on my hip he puts both hands on my shoulder and scratches my shirt. That is what Finn does on a fabric like surface. He will straighten his hands out and move his fingers back and forth like he is scratching something. I love carrying Finn on my hip and he loves being up there. Tonight I cooked dinner while holding him.

There really is no point this post other than just documenting the new stuff that Finn is up to.


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