Promotion Sunday

I dedicate this post to all the people who volunteer in the nursery on Sunday mornings . . . it is an awful job!

This week we were running late to church so Finn went with me to Sunday School. First he tried to eat my biscuit and then he played with my orange juice bottle top. After Sunday School we dropped Finn off at the nursery to find out that he had been promoted to the 8-12 month class. I was really shocked given that he isn't even six months yet. Apparently his regular teachers believe that he is ready to be promoted. I think that they were just ready to get rid of him. Anyway, next we found out that his teachers weren't there so he would just have to go to service with us. After hearing that I volunteered me and Michael to keep Finn's class. It was quite an experience, to say the least. We had five (5) babies including Finn. For almost the entire hour Finn, Molly, and Jazlyn wanted to be held. That was difficult considering there were only two of us. Finn had a really difficult time. He couldn't understand why we were holding other crying babies and ignoring him.

I also got an opportunity to change the other babies diapers. Changing Finn's diaper rarely bothers me. I thought I would gag changing these other babies. Luckily there were gloves on the changing table because I got it all over me. I have never been so close to gagging while changing a diaper. Finn ended up calming down after Michael picked him up. In fact, he ended up falling asleep on Michael's shoulder.

After church Michael and I met John and Victoria for lunch and then we went to see Shutter Island. The rest of the evening was pretty normal.


  1. I absolutely hate nursery. If you have kids at our church though, you are expected to keep nursery. It's even worse when a 3 year old needs a DIAPER changed and has pooped. Yuck, use the toilett.


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