Finn's new laptop

Today I took Finn to Sunday School with me. Ever since I found out that he will need surgery I have felt very protective of him and I didn't want to leave him in the nursery. I know that I am going to have to get over it, but I don't want to think about that right now - I'll think about it tomorrow.

Finn was not incredibly well behaved today in Sunday School - he ate my entire lesson. Granted it was only one page, but he ate in nonetheless. Every so often Victoria would pull chewed up pieces of paper out of his mouth. The lactation room was a bit difficult today too. I am usually in there by myself, but today we had company. This little girl kept watching me nurse Finn all the while letting me know that she had sullied her tights and showing me her underwear. I also accidentally fell asleep in there and missed some of the service.
After church, we went back to Kroger to get the milk that I had forgotten the day before. This was a great trip because Finn rode in the front of the buggy! He did really well, he sat up straight the entire time and never seemed to tire. He was so happy to be upright in the buggy, as opposed to be reclined in the car seat. I do believe the car seat is on its last leg.
After seeing how much Finn likes to play with our computer, we pulled his baby laptop out of the closet. Good move on our part - Finn is pretty fond of it. He looks so grown up typing on his laptop.


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