Got a Little Captain in You?

Today was a big day for the Finnster. First, we went to David and Sharon's couples shower. Finn spent most of the shower attacking the tissue paper and playing with Zoe. At least it kept him happy.

After the shower, we took Finn outside and let him play in the grass. We have Bermuda grass, meaning it is not very soft and extremely prickly. Finn didn't like standing in it because it pricked his feet. Every time we tried to stand Finn up in the grass he would automatically pick up one foot. He reminds me of the Captain from those Captain Morgan commercials.

Check out my two favorite boys posing for the camera. Super masculine honey!

Finn also played with Kodiak. Kodiak normally likes to play outside but today he was terrified of the great outdoors - so Finn was forced to play with Kodiak through the screen.

After burning some calories outside (yeah right) Finn was ready for some lunch. First we had a few spoonfuls of chicken, or as I like to call it "Kitty Delight." Kodiak was all over the chicken jar - more evidence that this stuff is better suited for cats. Next, Finn had a few bites of bananas. He really likes bananas. He would lean towards the spoon and beg for bananas. He ended up taking the spoon from me and sucking on it. Once he got every bit of banana off the spoon he would look the spoon, then look at the jar and then look at me.

Finn was really funny with his spoon - he hasn't quite figured out his gag reflex yet and he gags himself all the time. Today I let him play with his spoon after I finished feeding him and every so often I would hear Finn gagging in the living room. I get such a big kick out hearing Finn randomly gag himself - I guess this makes me a bad mom.

Next we had some dinner with Greg, Shelley and Macey T. at Chili's. Finn was into everything. In order to occupy him I gave him a lemon slice. I guess his taste buds haven't really developed yet because he didn't grimace at all.
After dinner Macey came back to our house to play.

Finn is actually really happy in this picture even though he looks mad - he is such a ham.


  1. Erin, he is so precious!! I could just eat him up! And we sure miss you around the office!

  2. My kids still love lemons. They eat the entire slice peel and all. If you try to take it from them a terrible fit ensues. Guess that makes me a bad mom too. I let my children eat lemon peels.


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