Under Armour

Finn sported his first "under armour" shirt today. Just in case you haven't seen the commercials, "Under Armour" is the world tightest shirt. (Athletes wear it under their uniforms to keep their nipples from chapping I presume.) Now, Finn doesn't actually own anything with the "Under Armour" brand name on it, but he still sported a very tight shirt nonetheless. When we put it on him this morning I was afraid it would take the jaws of life to get him out. Finn didn't seem bothered so I left him in the shirt. Just check out how snug those arms are.

Today was a good day. I was home by 1:30 and had some good time with the Finnster. I think that my being home early has thrown him off. He is so happy to see me, but seems to want eat more. Today I didn't mind. I had spent all morning in Juvenile court. There isn't much worse in life than hearing the stories of these children in juvenile court. When I got home I hugged Finn and cried for a while.

Today was also Finn's aunt Em's birthday. In order to celebrate MJ getting one year closer to 30 I decided to make a card. I had grand visions of Finn flashing an irresistibly adorable smile while holding MJ's card - instead I ended up with this......

Mere moments later Finn inhaled the card. Once he puts something in his mouth there is no reasoning with him. Anyway, Happy Birthday MJ - we love you!


  1. awwww...I love it!!! That has been the best part of my day!! Thank you. Love you too Finn

  2. Don't forget that you're closer to 3-0 than she is!


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