Six Months Old

Today Finn is six (6) months old. I can't believe that he has been with me for six months. Today was also St. Patrick's Day so I made sure to put Finn in something green. I certainly didn't want Finn to get pinched on his first St. Patrick's day.
This morning Finn went to visit his cousin Coop's old stomping grounds. We went to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital for an X-ray of Finn's skull. Yesterday Finn had his six (6) month well baby checkup. He now weights 22 pounds and is 27 inches long. Finn had a pretty good check up. She told us to put hydrocortizone cream on his face to help with the redness and chapping of his checks. We learned that Finn is developing well, but Dr. Thompson was concerned about the shape of Finn's head. She was further concerned with the fact that his soft spot is growing or has grown together too quickly. Just as a precaution she had us go get Finn x-rayed.
So, at 8:00 this morning we took Finn to have an X-ray. Finn has learned to project and is really honing this new skill. He is so loud. Michael knew exactly where to go once he got into the hospital because he just followed Finn's voice. He hollers at everything now - it is really quite cute. He talked to, a.k.a yelled at, everyone in the waiting room. Finn had a great time in the waiting room - he sat in a little rocking chair that was just his size. Shortly after we arrived Finn was taken back to get his X-ray. He did really well. He did cry when they took pictures of the side of his head though.
Unfortunately Finn's screens revealed that the soft spot on the top of his head is fussing together too quickly. We have been referred to a neurologist and it looks like Finn is going to have to have surgery to open those crevasses back up. Apparently his skull will not allow his brain to expand horizontally so his brain is growing into the front of his forehead. Lately I have noticed that Finn has a very large rounded forehead, but I just chalked it up to genetics. Since his dad has a very prominent forehead I didn't give it a second thought.
We haven't talked to the doctor yet so I don't know all the specifics or even the correct terms for that matter, so I don't really have any real news except for the fact that Finn will be having surgery sometime in the near future. I am so thankful that Finn's doctor caught this so that we can go ahead and get it fixed. Nevertheless, I am a bit nervous. I have promised both myself and Michael that I will not google anything because I don't want to scare myself. I do believe that I will feel much better after we have talked to the neuro surgeon and know exactly what is going on. In the meantime I trust that God has everything under control.
On a happy note Finn attempted to eat his first cracker today. He has the mechanics down, but didn't really like the flavor.
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