Teething Biscuits

One word - GROSS. No one warned me how disgusting these things are. Finn had it all over his face, his hands, his legs, his clothes and my couch. At least he enjoyed them.

Today was a busy day. I woke up early and drove to Cool Springs to pick up the new rug for my office. Next, Michael and Finn met me at the office to help me situate the rug. Afterwards Finn and I went to the new Kroger to grocery shop. (FYI MJ, they carry the BeechNut brand baby food). While there we went to the meat counter to visit Uncle James. I feel fairly certain that I am not going to be able to shop at this store very often because I spend way, way too much money. This Kroger has everything - including a home store! It's comparable to the best Wal Mart you can imagine. I went in for a few things and came out with a piece of furniture for my office. (It was nice and cheap!)
Anyway, later that night we three went to Brandon and Carissa's to cook steaks. Since Brandon and Carissa live in our neighborhood we decided to forgo putting Finn in his car seat and instead he rode in my lap. He was so sweet, he sat so still and laid his head on my chest. I think he was in state of shock.
After dinner Finn had a bath in Addison's bathtub. Addison is going to be a great big brother! He showed Finn all of his bath toys and even helped me bathe Finn. He did a really good job, except for the fact that he accidentally dumped a bucket of water on Finn's face; Finn didn't seem to mind. At one point he told me that I could go and he would stay with Finn. After the bath, we wrapped Finn in one of Addison's towels. I was a bug towel and had tentacles on it. Finn looked precious!
After his bath, we gave him some oatmeal. Uncle James was amazed and somewhat grossed out by how messy Finn gets when he eats! Finally, Finn fell asleep and we laid him on a pallet in Brandon's office. He slept for several hours before we put him in the car to go back home.


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