3D Scan

Today was a very big day for the Finnster. Last week we found out that the plates in Finn's head were fused together. Today we took Finn back to Vanderbilt for his 3D scan. Finn's scan was at 1:00 today; however, we were not allowed to feed him after 8:30. I was really dreading these few hours because Finn doesn't take too kindly to not being fed. Luckily he great! He threw a huge fit around 9:00 so I gave him to Michael and they watched Sesame Street. Once we got his mind off of eating it was smooth sailing.

At around 12:30 we arrived at Vanderbilt. We were immediately taken back to radiology where Finn was prepared for his scan. His prep room had a little crib, a rocking chair and a regular chair.

Next, Finn met his nurse. He was very suspicious of her. He never cried, but he was very quiet and watched her very closely as she wrapped the monitor around his toe.

Finn was perplexed by this monitor. He studied it for a while - that is until he decided . . .

. . . to pull it off. Luckily, it was stuck on there pretty good, so he wasn't successful.

Next, Finn has his temperature taken; which he only tolerated.

After all of Finn's vitals were taken, he sat and played while the doctor explained the risks. I took MJ's advise and ignored them.

Then the nurse came in and gave Finn the oral sedation (I was so glad that they didn't put him under). The nurse assured us that the sedation would take effect within 15 to 20 minutes. So we waited.

The point of the sedation was to help Finn fall asleep so that they could take a picture of his skull. So to speed up the process I attempted to rock Finn to sleep. When that didn't work we put Finn in the crib.

When that didn't work we put him, in the stroller and walked around the floor (very reminiscent of walking around Baptist hospital while in labor). When that didn't work nurse Michelle came in and very abruptly said "give me that baby." Well, whatever she did worked. What was suppose to take 15 minutes - took Finn 45. Clearly, they have never met a baby as hard headed as the Finnster. He fought the sedation hard.

The scan only lasted a few minutes. I wasn't allowed to go in the room. No, I am not pregnant and I don't think that I am, but just to be safe I stayed outside. Finn did really well but we didn't get the results (we should know something more tomorrow).
After leaving Vanderbilt, we picked up our free chicken platter from Chik-fil-a and we watched Angels and Demons. Finn slept through the entire movie.

The sedation didn't bother the Finnster - he was his old self by 6:00.
He played on his MaMa's feet.

Then he played on the couch.

(Michael and I may have gotten carried away with the standing on the couch pictures.)
To top off the evening, he ate some couch. Yum.


  1. Sweet Finn. He looked like he did so well. Bless his sweet heart.

  2. Finn is adorable! He has the sweetest smile. Can't wait to see him again. I will pray for steady hands and extensive knowledge for the medical staff as they prepare and actually perform the surgery on Finn.
    God bless you all,


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