Office Curtains

Today Mom, MJ and Coop came to my office to help me hang curtains. My office is located on the second floor of an old civil war mansion. The ceilings are very tall and the windows are enormous. The curtains alone probably weighed 20 pounds. I warned Mom over the phone that this would be a very difficult job; and while it was overwhelming, Mom made it work!

Before we got started we all went to lunch at Demo's where Finn sat in a highchair for the first time. Of course my camera didn't have the memory card in it so I couldn't get a picture. He looked really cute sitting in the highchair. Coop sat next to him on MJ's lap and tried to talk to Finn. After lunch we all went back over to the office to tackle the curtains. In preparation, I purchased some two by fours and some L brackets. We figured out pretty quickly that with the weight of the curtains, coupled with the height of the window we were going to have a very difficult time. Once we realized that we didn't have a bit to the electric screw driver, we knew that plan one was not going work. So, we moved on to plan two which was to staple the curtains to the top of the window. Happily, it worked like a charm! Mom stood on very top of a 10 foot ladder and manually stapled those heavy curtains into the wood frame. Believe me, it was no easy task. The finished product looks great and I am so thankful that Mom gave up her Saturday to help me out.

While we were hanging curtains Finn and Cooper were playing in other rooms of the house. Cooper was really impressed with the place.

After leaving the office I arrived home to find Michael and Tommy hanging ceiling fans in the den. Now Mr. and Mrs. Frugal McDougal can save money in the summer. Plus Finn and Kodiak really like looking at the fan. After dinner Michael and I watched the movie "Surrogates" while I rocked Finn to sleep.


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