My Girly Man

I ask you, does this in anyway look like a girl?

I love being self employed! I was able to spend the entire day with Finn! We woke up at 7:30 (yes, he slept until 7:30) and then Finn spent the rest of the day clinging to me as if his very existence depended on it. I am not sure if he was feeling a little insecure from being at the hospital all day yesterday, but he was very clingy. I would attempt to put him down and he would pull his little feet underneath him. If I actually put him down he would cry huge crocodile tears. He even cried when I pulled him away from my body to switch him from one hip to the other. I guess we was terrified that I would put him down

Finn was also called a girl twice today - twice. I couldn't believe it. The first time was at Krystals. Finn and I met Michael for lunch. During lunch a guy behind us said, "wow, she's cute." Then at Wal-Mart, a woman looked at Finn and "the air conditioner is making her hair blow around." I was in no way offended, just perplexed. One, he doesn't look at all like a girl, and two, he was wearing a blue "Top Gun" T-shirt. Oh well.

When we got home from Wal-Mart I cooked dinner while Michael Finn some baby food - chicken and chicken broth. It smells like cat food. A few hours later we attempted to give him his nightly bowl of cereal - but he was too wiggly and fussy to eat it. To get Finn to eat, I gave it to him in the bathtub. He loves to eat cereal in the bathtub. The only downside is that he gets oatmeal in the bathwater.


  1. Isn't oatmeal good for your skin though. Maybe it'll help his skin stay baby soft for life.


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