Model Behavior

Today Finn went to work with his dad. Well, he went to the parking lot where his dad works to meet his Aunt Em and his Cousin Cooper. The purpose of said meeting was to propel Finn one step closer to his dream of becoming a male model. That's right - Finn had his first photo shoot today and just like any model worth his salt he was demanding, stubborn, emotional and refused to work his co-model (looks like someone has been watching a bit too much reality TV).
We have been preparing for this shoot for a couple of days. I bought Finn a new outfit which will double as his Easter outfit. The outfit in the pictures above is not his Easter outfit. I put him in his play clothes just in case he pulled a Finn.
Originally I wasn't going to be able to watch because I thought I would have to be in court. Luckily, General Sessions was cancelled this week so I drove down to Murfreesboro to watch the fiasco. When I first got there I found MJ holding Finn. I quickly learned that Finn refused to be put down all day long (a trend which continued long into the night). I further learned that Finn wouldn't eat anything before the photo shoot - again, acting like a true model.

Next, the boys went to have their pictures taken. The set was very pretty and it came equipped with bunnies and a baby lamb. There was a bench in the center and Finn and Cooper were placed side by side on the bench. Everything was going really well for the first three frames. FYI, three frames takes about 3 seconds. After that, it was all downhill - way downhill - we are talking bottom of the ocean downhill. I think the flash scared Finn which caused Finn to start crying. When Cooper heard Finn cry, Cooper started crying. And I'm not talking wimpy little fussing, I am talking screaming to beat the band crying. Once we would get one boy to stop crying the other would cry harder and visa versa. I am sure that the photographer was very frustrated but I found the whole thing to be hilarious.

Finn also proved to be very hazardous to the bunnies on set. At one point the photographer put two bunnies on the bench; one next to Cooper and one next to Finn. Finn grabbed his bunny by one ear, closed his fist tight around the ear and started tugging. The poor bunny had to stand straight up on his hind legs to keep Finn from pulling his ear off.

You would know that right after the shoot was over Finn stopped crying and seemed to be in a fine mood. Next, we looked at the proofs. Despite the boys best efforts we were able to get a good shot. Even if we hadn't gotten a good shot I will always love the picture because it was, Lord willing, the first of many special memories that I will make with my boys. Finn and Coop are of course too little to remember, so this experience was more for their mamas. Spoken like a true mom - make your children miserable all in the name of getting that perfect shot :)


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