This morning I heard Finn cry over the baby monitor and my first reaction was not to go get him out of bed. Instead, I must have just turned the monitor off - oops. When I went in his room at 8:00 he was sitting perfectly quiet in his bed, playing with his toys.

Today Finn wore his team colors. He looked so cute in his new jersey.

Finn did really well today in the nursery. I was so happy to see Finn's favorite nursery worker (the older gentleman). He reached for Finn and happily Finn reached back. Finn didn't cry when I left him either. When I returned an hour later to pick him up he was sound asleep in the nursery worker's lap.

When we got home, I made homemade pizza while Finn and Michael played in the den. During lunch Finn attacked me for a bite of pizza.

After lunch Finn's whole attitude changed - he was so cranky. You can't see his face, but rest assured Finn was mad as a hornet.

This literally how Finn looked all day long. It was so frustrating. To keep him from driving us crazy we forced him to take a nap.

When he woke up screaming 20 minutes later, I put him on the couch with me and forced him to sleep some more.

He also slept a little bit with Dad.

After Finn's nap Gran came over to finish making the video for her class project. A few minutes after Gran left, Grandad walked in. Even with all the wonderful company, Finn was pretty fussy, so Grandad and I decided to take Finn with us to the store for Chili seasoning. On the way home Finn fell asleep in the car. He even managed to stay asleep even after Grandad picked him up out of the car seat.

After dinner I gave Finn a bath and then Grandad rocked him for a while. I have never been so happy to see that boy go to bed.


  1. Is Mr. Jed his teacher on Sunday mornings (very tall w/ glasses)? I ask because he had Cole around this age. Cole LOVED him!! It was the first time that he wouldn't cry when being left :)
    * Love his jersey :)

  2. Thanks Adrian! I have always wanted to ask, but since he has been with us for so long now I was too embarrassed. I hope you are having a great day!


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