One Year Appointment

Today I spent the whole day with Finn. In order to save money I gave up my office space. Instead, I will be working from home on the days that I am not in court. After Dad left for work Finn and I went the Kroger to do our weekly grocery shopping.

Next we went to the pediatrician's office for Finn's one (1) year appointment. Finn now weighs 26.5 pounds, he is 30.5 inches tall and his head circumference is 19 and 1/8. Currently Finn is in the 91 percentile for weight, 74 percentile for height and 95 percentile for head circumference. The appointment went really well. Dr. Thompson was really impressed with how Finn's head looks. She also told us to wean Finn off of his bedtime feeding. Apparently kids appetites subside around this time so it is normal for Finn to eat less. She also told us that he will only about gain approximately 4 more pounds before he turns two (2). Finn also was given an MMR shot, a Hep. A shot, a chicken pox shot and a flu shot. This means that Finn's probably will not get the chicken pox. Finn did really well with his shots. He cried while they were being administered but recovered very quickly.

After the appointment Finn and I ran home to do a few things before driving Gran to Vanderbilt for her eye appointment. While I was frantically wondering if I had over cooked my roast I heard Finn crunch down on something that sounded really hard. I panicked just a little and braced myself to see a mouth full of teeth fall into the floor. Instead, Finn spit a big, hard shelled beetle type bug into my hand. I guess you could call this our first Bear Gryll's moment. (While typing this blog I learned that Michael saw this bug last night and made a conscious decision not to kill it. - Thanks Dad).

After getting home from taking Gran to the eye doctor Finn and I took dinner (my undercooked roast) to a couple that we know from Sunday School. Then we went to Publix to pick up things that we needed to make homemade pizza. When the pizza was done we sat in the living room and watched Community (our favorite) and the Office. It was the season premier of both. I felt really nostalgic watching the season premier of these shows because last year Finn was born on premier night. When we got home from the hospital we watched both of these shows one afternoon while eating taco's that Joel and Liz brought us. That day was so much fun. I thought about it the whole time we were watching TV. Silly, I know.


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