Frustration (Thursday, September 9, 2010)

As much as Finn has enjoys his "why flyer," it has proven to be a great source of frustration for him. While he is quite the little pro at going forward, his reverse gear leaves much to be desired. He has trekked a path through our downstairs which starts at the front door, through in the den, into the kitchen and comes to a screeching halt at the kitchen cabinets. Once he bounces the nose of the "why flyer" off the cabinets he starts whining and then searches for us to get him turned around. At first we obliged him, finding it to be an entertaining game. But after many treks back and forth through the house we realized that Finn is going to have to learn to throw his gears in reverse. Easier said than done. I will keep you posted. I am sure you are on the edge of your seat.
Today, Gran was able to keep Finn while we went to work. Midway through the day Finn and Gran stopped at the office to say hello. Finn was quite keen on going downstairs to see Mr. Oliver. As gruffy as Mr. Oliver can be, he turns into mush around the Finnster. Next Finn went to Gran's house to take care of some important business, i.e. emptying the drawers.

The night was pretty uneventful. We ate taco soup, Finn helped Dad water the trees, Finn helped me draft a complaint and then Michael gave Finn a bath. I rocked Finn to sleep while we watched an episode of LOST. After Finn went to bed we watched the Saints/Vikings game.


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