Today Finn took his first steps. It was around 8:00 in the morning and I was getting ready to leave the house for work. I Noticed that Finn was standing very still in the middle of the kitchen. I was intrigued by his statuesque stance so I got down eye level with him. He was wearing a little white onsie (that is just about to too small) and gave me an adorable grin. He reached his arms towards me and picked up his left foot. I thought that he would plop down on the tile, but instead he took five (5) little steps. They weren't big steps but there was forward progression. I don't know why Finn decided to walk towards me; it was probably because I was holding his sippy cup, but I am so thankful that I was able to witness his first real steps. I can't be sure that he knew what he was doing, but I am proud of him nonetheless. After falling back to the ground I ran over to him and gave him a huge hug and a kiss. Then we called Dad to tell him the good news.

Finn attempting to climb the baby gate.

Finn playing with his new jumbo legos. He can put two legos together and pull them apart.

I picked Finn up from Victoria's today at around 1:00. I was happy to hear that he took a few steps at her house too! He also demonstrated his newest word - home. For the past few weeks Finn has been saying "home." He can't pronounce the "h" sound, so it comes out more like "ome." However, Finn confirmed today that he knows how to properly use the word. He crawled over to me, gave me a leaning hug and said, "ome." Then he turned around and waived and said "bye" to Victoria. When we pulled into the garage, he started yelling "ome" as loud as he could. It looks like we have a little home body on our hands.
When we got home Finn and I watched Finn's new favorite movie, Phantom of the Opera. Finn watched quietly for about 30 minutes and then he fell asleep and slept for an hour. Thank goodness for the nap because Finn fussed from the minute he woke up until I put him to bed for the night.

In between throwing fits, Finn showed his mom and dad that not only can he take steps, he can also climb on the furniture. My only comment is that we are surely doomed.

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