
There isn't anything much more wonderful in this world than a baby in Jammies. Well, that is at least for me. I love putting Finn in his pajamas on a cool night. God truly is a great God to give us this simple pleasure; these little moments that make your heart feel like its going to explode with love. Tonight after church when we opened the windows and discovered that it was cool enough outside to open the windows! This meant that Finn would need to sleep in Jammies for the first time this fall. For the inaugural night we put Finn in his green, white and navy blue striped T-Rex jammies. Hunter Green and Navy are most definitely Finn's colors. I must admit that I went a bit snap happy. In fact, I had so much fun following Finn around in his jammies that we didn't end up getting him to bed until 9:00.
For much of the evening Finn pushed around his dump truck. He has become an old pro at maneuvering the truck through the kitchen and living room. Finn walked all over the downstairs! At one point I just watched him waddle through the kitchen and I told Michael that I couldn't believe that this was the same baby that we brought home from the hospital a year ago. It is just the neatest thing to watch your child develop and grow. Not to beat a dead horse but I am so thankful for the blog. When the house is quiet and Finn and any other children we may be blessed with are gone, we will be able to look back and get a small taste of what it was like to have small children in the house.
After a few laps around the kitchen, Finn discovered something much more interesting to play with - our Bibles. Last week Finn pulled Genesis and Exodus out of Michael's bible. Mine is already completely out of its binding, so we had to take those away from him pretty quickly.

Finn having his bedtime snack. We no longer give him a big bowl of oatmeal, but we do give him a few bites of yogurt. Yogurt just might be his favorite food. I have to be careful, because when eating yogurt he never indicates when he is full. He will eat as many bites as you offer him.

Finn checking out his hands.

Next Finn found one of the balloons we had laying around the house. He loved playing with the balloon. He throw the balloon into the tile as hard as he could, watch it bounce back up and squeal with delight.

Like with all of his treasures, Finn put the balloon in his dump truck and got back on the road again. After a few songs from Phantom, we put the Finnster to bed. Speaking of carrying his treasures around in his truck, the next morning while I was getting Finn ready for church I happened to look inside his dump truck and found our remote, Elmo and his Phantom Blu Ray box.

The whole day was pretty great. After church we had a tailgate party. The entire congregation went outside and ate hamburgers. The weather was so nice and cool. While we ate, Finn crawled around. Next he played in the sand box (Volleyball court) with Monica and Annabelle.

This is a video of me bouncing a balloon off of Finn's head. I know it looks like it hurts, but trust me it doesn't it. He loved it!


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