Finn's First Car Wreck

Saturday night after Finn and I had rested up we all went to Macey T.'s first birthday party. Since Finn and Macey were in the hospital together it is only fitting that their birthday parties be on the same day too!

When we got there Finn was dead set on playing Macey T.'s room with the other children. Finn spent most of his time pushing Addison around in Macey's car. In between drives with Addison, Finn would wander over to me and ask for a bean. Finn loves beans! He also really enjoyed the barbecue.

Finn was really still while Macey T. opened her presents;
that it until the very end. Then he wanted to play with the wrappings.

We ended up staying later than most everyone meaning Finn and Macey T. had some quality time together. They decided to spend it in the car.
Unfortunately the car tipped over and hit the Finnster in the noggin. He, of course, cried, but it didn't leave a bump.


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