Lawyer in Training
Today I worked from home; meaning Finn served as my personal assistant all day. He helped me talk to clients, he helped me file documents at the courthouse and he helped me clean off my desk (it took me forever to get everything back in order).
Finn had a really good time working as a lawyer today, mostly because he was out in the rain for a good portion of the day. Finn thinks that rain is funny. I enjoy the rain, but it is really hard to carry a baby, a diaper bag, a purse, a brief case and an umbrella into the courthouse. I am sure that we were a sight to see.
After taking care of my "paying" job, Finn assisted me with my "non-paying" job duties.
While cleaning, I transferred my videos from the Flip to a DVD. Finn's reaction to watching himself on television was nothing less that frightening. I do believe we have a reality t.v. star in training. He loved watching himself. All that vanity must have worn this baby out.
After Michael got home we met Gran at Zaxby's for a quick dinner. Then we braced ourselves for a long night of putting Finn to bed. Tonight was the first full day that Finn has gone completely without a bottle. He pretty much lost it when he realized that Mama wasn't going to give him is nightly bottle. Luckily, that massive fit he through thoroughly wore him out and he went to sleep fairly quickly. I will spend the remainder of the evening washing and then hiding all the bottles in the house. I am a bit sad that I will never give Finn another bottle. That went by quick. But it is as it should be - lawyers in training don't need bottles.
Finn had a really good time working as a lawyer today, mostly because he was out in the rain for a good portion of the day. Finn thinks that rain is funny. I enjoy the rain, but it is really hard to carry a baby, a diaper bag, a purse, a brief case and an umbrella into the courthouse. I am sure that we were a sight to see.
After taking care of my "paying" job, Finn assisted me with my "non-paying" job duties.
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