Why Flier, to the Rescue
This morning when Finn woke up and his skin was ice cold. Last night was such a cool night that we decided to sleep with the windows open. If I'd have known that it would get so cool in the house I would have bundled him up. Poor little thing, while I was changing his diaper he was shivering all over. Immediately put him in a pair of PJs and we sat on in the rocker wrapped him up in a blanket.
Next we went to meet Gran and Pa at their church. Finn was hilarious during the special music. The music director sang "The Majesty and Glory of your Name." The song is really high and she (the music director) sang most of the song in a really high octave. The minute she started hitting the high notes Finn starting imitating her. I can't really describe it, but she would hit a high note and Finn would squeal as high as he possibly could (it really sounded like he was trying to sing.) When she would go back down he would stop. This went on during the entire song. I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing.
After church we came back home to cook and give Finn a little nap. Then we were off to the Begley's for Finn's birthday party. Pa was able to come home from Oklahoma over Labor Day so we had a party.
Finn received a lot of great presents. He got some Titan's gear (shown below), some other cute clothes, socks, a comb, some new spoons, an Elmo book, two Veggie Tale videos, and a car seat (YAY). But as great as those gifts were they paled in comparison to the "Why Flyer"
The "Why Flyer" is a walking/riding toy based off of one of Finn's favorite shows "Super Why". It plays the "Super Why" music and some of the key phrases from the show. After hearing "calling all super readers" Finn was hooked and could have cared less about his other presents.
He walked that "Why Flyer" all over the house and back again.
Shannon and Ron brought Finn a Harley frog. Finn would not let Harley ride on his "Why Flyer." Every time we would put Harley on the seat Finn would stop and push him off. What was funny is that Finn didn't have a problem with Elmo riding.
Then Finn had birthday cake. As you see, he had "Thomas the Train" birthday cake.
Then Finn opened more presents! Naomi and Jim gave him a "touch and feel" book of Kittens and Puppies. This was a great present because Finn can now make dog noises. It sound like "uuf, uuf, uuf."
Pa gave him a basketball goal! Were it not the "Why Flyer" this would have definitely been Finn's favorite!
David and Sharon brought Finn bubbles, bubble toys, party favors, a bucket and a ball. Finn loved the bubbles. Here is a picture of Finn playing with the bubbles; note the excited face. Mimi and Grandmother brought Finn a pair to "Thomas" PJs, an elephant shirt, and some basketball pants.
After all the presents were opened Me, Michael, David, James, Chelsea and Simon watched the video of the day Finn was born.
After church we came back home to cook and give Finn a little nap. Then we were off to the Begley's for Finn's birthday party. Pa was able to come home from Oklahoma over Labor Day so we had a party.
After all the presents were opened Me, Michael, David, James, Chelsea and Simon watched the video of the day Finn was born.
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