Papa Bumbalough

Today Finn and I went to visit Papa Bumbalough in the hospital. Before heading to Nashville we made a quick stop to Wal-Mart to exchange Finn's Titan's jersey. Pa and Gran gave Finn a VY jersey for his birthday, we exchanged for a bigger size so that he can wear it for a while longer. We ended up with a Chris Johnson jersey.

Next we met Grandad at Vanderbilt. Finn had a lot of fun playing around in Papa Bumbalough's room. He ran his trucks all over the floor. A nice nurse helped us clean them off before we left.

Finn spent some time playing the cabinets.

He played with the buttons on the bottom of the bed. I was afraid that he was going to throw poor Papa into the floor. Then he discovered Papa's toes under the blanket; the toes would wiggle and Finn would grab. It was all very funny.

Before leaving for the day we took a couple laps around the nurses station. Finn wanted to walk into every room. Next we set off in search of the car. Vanderbilt is very confusing place!

Next Finn and I went to Gymboree to exchange a few shirts that Aunt Em gave him for his birthday. After looking at Finn's growth chart I decided to go one size down. The 18-24 months is a bit smaller, but he still has plenty of room to grow. While we were at Gymboree Finn entertained himself by watching "Sid the Science Kid" while sitting in the little seats. He looked so cute. However, after about 10 minute he made it quite clear that he was ready to go home. He crawled over to me, stuck that little lip out and said "ooommme." Instead I took him to Gran's house for a few hours while I did some things around the house.

Later on in the evening I found Finn pushing around his most prized possession in his dump truck - the remote. I am so happy that we went with the big dump truck because Finn really likes putting things in, taking things out and pushing it around.


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