Bye Dad

Finn breaking into the fridge.

It is becoming ever so clear to me that Michael is without a shadow of doubt Finn's preferred parent. Every Wednesday night Michael leaves the house to go play basketball. Tonight was no exception. Right about the time I got ready to give Finn a bath Michael started getting ready to leave. As I walked up the stairs with Finn Michael said "bye-bye" to Finn. Finn immediately started yelling "DAD, BYE" over and over the entire way up the stairs and into the bathroom. When we got to the bathroom I closed the door and set Finn in the floor. He immediately went into hysterics, crawled as quickly as he could to the door and started slapping his little hands on the door all the while crying and yelling "DAD, BYE." I grabbed him and we went to the front door to waive bye to Dad. Finn loves to watch the car drive off. He will put his little hand up in the air and say "bye." Once the car has driven out of sight he will start yelling "bye." Once he was satisfied that Michael was gone Finn was quite content to take his bath. I am thrilled that Finn loves his Dad so much, but I piece of me wishes that Finn would go into complete hysterics when I leave him at home alone with his Dad.

In other news I picked Finn up from Victoria's house at around 1:00. I learned that Finn and JT a.k.a Lewis and Clark had forged a new path from the living room to kitchen between two pieces of furniture. They have also taken a liking to sharing each other's sippy cup. FYI we are now down to one 4 oz. bottle per day. We have exactly 10 days to wean him off completely.

After we got home Finn and I considered going outside for a walk. Unfortunately just looking at my tennis shoes made me tired so instead we laid down in my bed and took a nap. I took MJ's advise and made him lay down next to me and after five minutes he was sound asleep.


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